Saturday, March 6, 2010

No Stranger Sunday: #5

Welcome to No Stranger Sunday, where every Sunday I will try to post an interview of a different blogger from around the blogsphere. Take the time, get to know these people. Visit their blogs.This week's featured blogger is Natalie from The Adventures of Paul & Natalie! Now, if you want to talk about a sweetheart.. then I know that you must be talking about Natalie! She' really great, has wonderful posts and she's easy to talk with. She's not just one of those "Look at her blogs and go to the next.." -- she's a "Leave a comment, she'll talk to you; and you keep coming back for more.." :) Take a few minutes, get to know her.

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Do you live in a city or a more rural area?
I live in a city that is pretty big and it's very busy here!

Are you married? If so, how long?
I am married! I've been married for 1 year.

Do you have children? If so, how many?
I don't have any children yet.

Any extra family members? (i.e. pets)
I have 2 cats, Kitty and Rocky. I also have a Schnauzer dog named Lucky. They are all saved animals and I'm so thankful for them!

What food makes your mouth water, just thinking about it?
My favorite food is spaghetti! Yum! My favorite baked good is freshly baked chocolate chip cookies!

What is your favorite book?
I don't have a favorite book. I love to read, but nothing in particular. I don't save myself enough time to read much!

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to quilt, read, blog, go walking at the park, and etc.

Tell us a bit about your blog:
Is there any certain reason that you named your blog "The Adventures of Paul & Natalie"?
My blog started out as a blog that I wanted to just write stuff about my husband and I! It turned into a blog where I posted giveaways I found. Then finally it turned into a blog that I host giveaways.

When did you start blogging?
I started in August 2009.

What is something that you love about your blog?
I love that it has brought awesome people to my blog that I wouldn't have met otherwise. It has been really fun!

Did you design your own blog? If not, who did?
I didn't design my blog. It is designed from LeeLou Blogs. I was lucky enough to win a blog makeover.

Are there any topics that you LOVE to blog about?
I like to post about stress reducers, sales, discounts, giveaways, and etc.

Any topics that you really try not to blog about?
Nothing comes to my mind.

How many blogs do you currently use?
I only have 1 blog!

Do you have any tips for other bloggers?
I don't think I'd be the best tip giver because I'm still learning! For the giveaways, I'd say to keep on trying because the winning numbers are so random! Do as many entries as you can as well for a better chance to win!

Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?
I just want to let everyone know how thankful I am for the support of my readers! I have felt so blessed in the little time I have started to host giveaways which was in December.
Natalie, thank you for being a part of No Stranger Sunday! I've enjoyed being able to learn these things about you and I'm sure that others will find it just as neat!! You're a joy to talk to and I look forward to speaking with you more!! :) Your blog is always filled with different things that interest me - from the giveaways to the personal posts.

If you'd like to be featured on my blog for No Stranger Sunday, just e-mail me or sign up on THIS post.


  1. Thanks for featuring my blog! I love all that you wrote! You are so kind! Have a great Sunday!

  2. Thanks for sharing Natalie with the world. She and Paul are a one of a kind couple. Such a great blog to share.
    It is so much fun meeting new people. Jerrica, you rank up in that catagory too.
    Take care and God Bless!!
