Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Would you be interested in a Cinco De Mayo Swap?

April Showers Giveaway Month!

Saturday, March 27, 2010
No Stranger Sunday: #8

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Are you married? If so, how long?
I am not married but I have been engaged to my amazing fiance Randy since december 25th 2008.
Do you have children? If so, how many?
no, not yet but someday..i would like to have 2 kids
Any extra family members? (i.e. pets)
a cat- max, i call him hass, windows , window hass..the nicknames i have for him are endless!
and my fiance has 2 dogs, pitbull- shakira and his dog - angel- a pitbull sharpei, she is like our baby. and honestly i never really liked dogs until them. they are the sweetest things ever
What food makes your mouth water, just thinking about it?
my moms quick sauce and cheeseburgers!
What is your favorite book?
kids having kids and annie on my mind
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
i collect moose everything- figures,ornaments,stuffed animals,ect. my grandmother and mom also started a nice ornament collection for me and my fiance. its a nice new tradition that i really look forward too now. we already have a few to start off with.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
i love to read, clip coupons, organize, blog, go on facebook and play my ds..i am 25 and i asked for a ds for christmas and i love it!
Is there any certain reason that you named your blog "Cristin Is Coupon Crazy"?
mainly because my first name is cristin and i wanted something with cristin and coupon. i finally came up with cristin is coupon crazy and i think it is a perfect pick because its true!
When did you start blogging?
september 2009. i am just now really getting into it and starting to post more. a lot went on the end of last year and i didnt have much time to blog. but now i am trying to blog as much as possible
What is something that you love about your blog?
that anyone can enjoy it
Did you design your own blog? If not, who did?
right now i am using a template from a website but once i get a dotcom website i will have my best friend design my website.(or if she learns how to make blogger templates)
Are there any topics that you LOVE to blog about?
my shopping trips. i love to share all of my shopping trips with everyone
Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?
come on by and check out my blog. i have a ton to offer and a lot of great ideas coming soon. i love blogging and i hope everyone enjoys my blog as much as i enjoy working on it!
And thanks to everyone for visiting this week's No Stranger Sunday! If you would like to be interviewed, feel free to visit the No Stranger Sunday link and sign up. :)
Better Basket Blog Hop - Amazing Cause!!

So what is it for?
Here is some information on the Hershey's Better Basket Blog Hop:
"This Easter season Hershey is all about helping you to create Better Easter Baskets with their special limited edition Easter candies found at Walmart.
More importantly, Hershey wants to promote the idea of going good in our own communities. The Hershey Company is committed to making a difference in the communities where we live in, and has a heritage of giving back to the community."
Thanks to Hershey's and 20 different bloggers looking to blog for a good cause, baskets like the one above were created and given to charities of each bloggers choice to spread Hershey's ongoing message around: We are ALL working together to do good in and out of our own communities!
In addition to those 20 baskets donated to charity, Hershey's is also sponsoring a Better Basket Blog Hop where Hershey will donate $10 per blog post entry for the Children's Miracle Network, up to $5,000. Amazing.
So with this being said I'm going to pass it along to these blogs but please post this if I don't pass it along. It's for an amazing cause and we could all post for this.
Rather than pass it on to one or two, or even five of you -
I'm passing this on to everyone!
PLEASE participate.
If you want to be apart of the blog hop, here are the rules:
Copy and paste these rules to your blog post.
Create a blog post giving a virtual Easter Basket to another blogger – you can give as many Virtual Baskets as you want.
Link back to person who gave you an Easter Basket.
Let each person you are giving a Virtual Easter Basket know you have given them a Basket.
Leave your link at BetterBasket.info/BlogHop comment section. You can also find the official rules of this #betterbasket blog hop, and more information about Better Basket with Hershey’s there.
Hershey’s is donating $10 per each blog participating to the Better Basket Blog Hop to Children’s Miracle Network (up to total of $5,000 by blog posts written by April 4th, 2010).
Please note that only one blog post by each blog url will count towards the donation.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Saturday 9: #15
Saturday 9: You're My Best Friend
1. Outside of your romantic life, do you currently have a best friend?
I do, and I love her to laughter. :)
2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for?
That I get the job that I want and end up in the home that I want, then have a small family.
3. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? If yes. what did you do?
Yes, I've done it a few times. Helped her out with groceries, rent, and payments on vehicles.
4. If they re-instituted the draft (for both genders and your were of age) would you go, or would find some way out of it?
I would go. It'd be scary, but worth it, I do believe.
5. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do.
Be so serious growing up - I wish that I would have had more fun.
6. Tell us about the last time you bragged.
I do it all of the time, about all sorts of things.
7. What area are you wisest in?
common sense.
8. Tell us about something that happened that at the time made you "full of yourself".
Ah ha, what doesn't make me "full of myself?!" haha, just kidding.
9. Has there ever been a time that you wanted to try something in the bedroom, but were afraid to ask?
I try new things, I think it's important to keep things fresh. Although I am a bit timid.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Aloha Friday #13

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life – The home of Aloha Friday. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My Question:
Do you consider yourself to be clingy with your significant other? Why or why not?
My Answer:
I suppose that there's no point in telling a lie - I am who I am; and I am clingy with Joshua. It's odd, I've never been the clingy type. I've always liked MY space - it's mine!! But with Joshua, I can be around him (almost all of the time) and I don't feel like I'm living in a shoe box. :) However, we do spend our own time doing our own things, which can be nice, too.
If you don't mind, please tweet "@dickssportcmo I nominate @jerricapuck for the #startinglineup because ..." (finish the sentence).
If you're a also a part of this "competition" I'd be more than happy to tweet for you as well if you tweet for me. :) Just leave your twitter ID.
New Simply... Go-GURT®!
Well, here's why it's such a perk - I'm able to tell all of you about these delicious products!! :)
So here's a new one: Simply Go-GURT®!

Available in two kid-friendly flavors — Strawberry and Mixed Berry, each package of Simply… Go-GURT contains eight yogurt tubes.
So what are you waiting for? Go get some!!
I did not receive any product or compensation for this post. The opinions expressed here are 100% my own!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hasbro Games Review & Giveaway

We’ve had a “game night” for a few months now; however, we only had a couple of games – OLD trivia games that we picked up from thrift stores. Now, we have The Game of Things AND Scattergories, both by Hasbro. These games are wonderful.

I can’t even explain how fun this game is. Whenever we’ve played it with our families, we’ve has some crazy answers to some of the questions!! :)

1 lucky winner will receive The Game of Things!!
Required: Visit Hasbro, then come back here and tell your favorite product that they sell. (1 entry)
*Grab My Button. (2 entries) NEW
*Subscribe via e-mail. (2 entries)
*Follow my blog publicly. (2 entries)
*Follow Me on Twitter. (1 entry)
*Tweet the following; MUST leave link in comment (1 entry): I just entered to win The Game of Things by Hasbro from @jerricapuck http://tiny.cc/HasrboGames Ends 4/07
*Follow my blog on Networked Blogs - use the widget. (1 entry)
*Share my giveaway: Facebook, Technorati, etc. Tell me where you shared it and leave link. (1 entry)
*Sign up for Swagbucks using My Referral Link. (2 entries)
*Blog/Blurb about the giveaway, include a link back to the giveaway. (5 entries!)
**ALL comments require an e-mail address. This means that even if you include your e-mail address in the required entry and then do all extra entries, you still need to have your e-mail address in each extra entry, as well. If an e-mail address is not provided in a comment, I will delete the comment. The only exception, is if you have a blog & have your e-mail visable on your profile or have the e-mail button on your profile.
To better your chances of winning, be sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry that you complete.
This giveaway will end Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time). I will contact the winners within 24 hours via e-mail and will also write a post announcing the winners. The winners will have 48 hours to respond, after that, a new winner will be chosen. Contest open to Continental U.S. citizens only.
I received The Game of Things AND Scattergories to review. All opinions of this product are entirely my own. I am not responsible for the loss/damage of any products.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Quick Reminder..

By simply finishing the sentence below in a tweet, you're nominating me to be a part of the Starting Line Up! I'd really appreciate it -- A LOT.
Finish This Tweet:
"@dickssportcmo I nominate @jerricapuck for the #startinglineup because ..." (finish the sentence) ..
Also, if you're in this "contest", if you nominate me, I will return the favor, ::pinky promise:: !!
All you have to do is let me know that you tweeted & let me know that you'd like me to return the favor.. Be sure to leave your twitter ID (i.e. @jerricapuck)
5 Vinez Monkeys!
If you haven’t tasted the cookies this month, it’s not too late. If you’ve already had some, I know you want more.
What's better than Cookies from Gimmee Jimmy's?
Cupcakes * Muffins * Biscotti * Baklava * Cakes * Cookie Dough
And 3 New Flavors of Cookies!
For the first time in our 27 years, we are now offering way more than just cookies for shipping across the United States, and even to Canada and Puerto Rico.
Three NEW cookie flavors (Heath Bar Crunch, Cranberry Pecan, and Double Chocolate Walnut) to go along with four classic flavors, (Chocolate Chunk, Oatmeal Raisin, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip M&M), and also INTRODUCING...
»4 NEW muffin flavors, available in regular and sugar-free
»3 NEW biscotti flavors, 3 NEW gluten-free products, plus we're still shipping our popular Valentine's Day items (it's always a great time for a heart-shaped chocolate cakes)
»PLUS spectacular Baklava.
There has never been a better time to experience the gourmet baked goods from Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies and Bakery, available fresh, daily, and online for your convenience. Shipped to your door via UPS.
The bakery in Hawthorne, NJ bakes everything to order for you, using the finest, hand-selected ingredients. Talented pastry chefs are waiting to put a smile on your face with the most delicious gourmet desserts. If you're in the area, come visit us Tuesday through Sunday from 8am to 4pm.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
No Stranger Sunday: #7

Being that there are four of the interviewers, they each have a certain color and are always placed in the same order, to keep things less confusing.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Do you live in a city or a more rural area?
I live in the greatest city in the world.
I live in a city, I am happy where I live but the greatest I think that might be a stretch.
I live in a suburb of the GTA, west of Toronto, ON.
I live in a rural area, but it now feels like a city because there are too many people and too much traffic!!!!
Are you married? If so, how long?
Yes I am happily married and for 16 years.
Yes will be 25 years this summer (yes I was very, very, very young when I married) (how many verys? LOL!)
I have been married for 17 years, wow!
No comment.
Do you have children? If so, how many?
I have 2 children.
I have 2 girls 'the teenager' 18 and the 'little one' is 10 both are girls.
I am the proud mother of two tall teenage boys, ages 14 and 16 this year.
Somedays I feel like I have 10 children, and other days I feel like I have only one. However, I am blessed with 3 beautiful children, that are in three different stages.
Any extra family members? (i.e. pets)
We have a very small dog who is very sweet and loving.
Yes a stupid old cat and if he pukes on my couch one more time we will be less an extra family member.
Yes, we have a sweet little 3 year old puppy. (he will always be a puppy to me, :) ) He is part wire-haired fox terrier, part miniature eskimo and part poodle. His fur stands up in all directions. He is soooooo cute!
I have a fluffy white dog that we love.
What food makes your mouth water, just thinking about it?
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza.
Potatoes and of course Sunshine's bruschetta!
All food makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I love to cook. I guess I tend to lean toward anything asian. I love seafood!!! I would love to go to Halifax during lobster season and eat myself silly with lobster and mussels. Oh, wait, not all food makes my mouth water. Please do not feed me bananas or lima beans or liver, there, I think that covers it!
I love a great steak!
What is your favorite book?
I only read books if I have to. I enjoy reading magazine articles. Carolin has given me a subscription to Canadian Living Magazine for the past two years for my birthday. It is the gift that keeps on giving all year long. One of my very favourite magazines used to be Cosmopolitan Magazines.
I don't think I have a favourite book but I have many favourite authors, Carol Shields, Sue Grafton. Lately I have been reading a lot of autobiographies, the one I have just started reading is, "General Rick Hillier: A Soldier First."
I really enjoy, Nora Roberts. I like her fiction and I have just started reading her detective futuristic series under the name J.D. Robb.
I love, "Ghost Story," I love the, "Repairman Jack," series and I have discovered the author James Patterson's "Alex Cross" series.
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I seem to collect other peoples discarded furniture as I have a house full of things that I need to get rid of.
I don't collect anything but pounds. Lots and lots of pounds! Hey Sunshine what are you wanting to get rid off? Maybe I might want it.
I am a pack rat. I still have the original games and dolls and barbies from when I was a little girl. I have them all in bins. I have no idea what to do with it all. I really should start to declutter. I still have teen beat and tiger-beat magazines from way back when! Maybe they're worth something now?
I used to collect photographs.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to relax in the hammock and go swimming. As long as I am with my family, I am having fun.
Pollyanna (opps I mean Sunshine) is killing me with all the warm fuzzy crap. What spare time? (I love the Pollyanna title, ha ha ha!)
I'm with Carolin, what spare time. I work part-time and when I'm home the time seems to fly by with chores. I do need to organize myself better and get even more done. I enjoy gardening, playing piano and learning to play the classical guitar. Oh and cooking.
What spare time??
Tell us a bit about your blog:
Is there any certain reason that you named your blog "At the Park"?
Yes, we named it, "At the park," because Cathy and Carolin told us that this should be the name. That's right and it is about time you listen to us! And of course it is where we all spent many hours chatting while the kids played.
It all started when we would take our kids to the park at about 10:30am every weekday morning. Actually, Carolin starting going to the park first and we all followed. Carolin with her diet Pepsi, Sunshine and Louise with their bottled water and me with my nice, hot, cup of tea, ahhh!
I mean, that's how we all met, so that's why we decided it would be a good name.
That's where we used to hang out. Carolin used to watch us from her window with envy because she wanted to join the cool group.... and we finally let her in, lol! -- "Louise, you're killing me!!!!!!!"
When did you start blogging?
Around March of 2009? That sounds right but somehow I think that it is wrong.
Of course it's wrong, it was April 2009.
I defer to Carolin on this one.
Sometime last spring, last year is all in a haze for me and I don't remember!
What is something that you love about your blog?
I love the interaction between the four of us and when we are being brutally honest, then I like it even better.
Ha, Ha, Ha, just wait till the next time the four of us are together, Sunshine has another Father Norm question.
Sunshine is getting worse than me! Poor Father Norm, or maybe he is having fun with her questions. I love it when we are together and blog our conversations. It's neat to sit down with a cup of tea afterwards and read it again.
I believe it's the only thing that now keeps us in touch.
What is something that you love about your blog?
I love the interaction between the four of us and when we are being brutally honest, then I like it even better.
Ha, Ha, Ha, just wait till the next time the four of us are together, Sunshine has another Father Norm question.
Sunshine is getting worse than me! Poor Father Norm, or maybe he is having fun with her questions. I love it when we are together and blog our conversations. It's neat to sit down with a cup of tea afterwards and read it again.
I believe it's the only thing that now keeps us in touch.
Did you design your own blog? If not, who did?
I defer to Cathy for the specifics of this question.
Me too, Cathy is techie blog queen. I never really know what she is talking about but I usually agree because I don't want to look stupid and between you and me it shuts her up! -- "Hey! I get no respect!!!!!"
Our blog design is courtesy of 'Goggle Blogger.' I find it fascinating. It's really already set to go, just fill in the blanks and you're online for everyone to see.
Cathy! Cathy! Cathy! You are doing a great job! If it wasn't for you, it wouldn't get done!
Are there any topics that you LOVE to blog about?
As long as it is real, then, I enjoy it all.
Sunshine loves when we talk about Sex!
I am sometimes confused as to whether or not we can get a little more risky because I don't know if we feel that it would take us out of the family context that I think that we are in.
But think about it, if we didn't talk about sex, we wouldn't need to be in the 'family' context.
What are you two talking about? Why all this chatter about 'you know what!!!' Ha, ha, ha. I can just hear Carolin's comments now!
I think as long as we talk about us and what we know and what is happening in our lives we love it. The tricky part is where to draw the line with our privacy?
I would love an interactive blog with the public, like a chat room, because my favourite part of the blog is reading all the outside comments.
Any topics that you really try not to blog about?
I think that I don't blog about things that are directly related to someone other then myself and my life because I really think that it would not be well received. So even though I believe that there are things that need to be discussed, I let sleeping dogs lie.
Me, I am an open book. I love to laugh and can laugh at myself.
They call me the vault. I agree with Sunshine, as long as it's about me o.k., I try to keep the rest of the family incognito. I can laugh at myself, too. I am not anywhere near perfect, would anyone like my hair????? Please?????
Depends on the mood I am in.
How many blogs do you currently use?
Just ours, howeve,r I did one day stumble onto 'EllaBellaMozzarella' and I really enjoyed it. I guess that I don't wander that much from our blog because I am busy and honestly it (blog hopping) really isn't my thing. Maybe, if I really knew the person behind the blog personally then I know that my interest level would certainly peak.
We just have one, I did have two other blogs that I followed daily but one just disappeared from the blog world and the second hasn't written anything in over 6 weeks. Hmmm, I wonder if it's me, maybe they thought I was stalking them?
We four just have this one blog. I do follow other blogs. I find the whole blog world fascinating. There are so many people out there...
Just this one.
Do you have any tips for other bloggers?
Just be yourself.
Always keep your mouth closed while looking up as the birds fly by.
I'm still laughing about the bird comment! I think when you are yourself when you blog, readers find it more interesting. It's nice to know that we are not alone and as crazy as we think we are!
Just be real. If it's not real make it absoulutly fascinating!
Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?
I am still fascinated by the fact that someone who does not know us personally would actually read what we have to say.
Please leave comments, you have no idea what a boost it is to read a comment negative or positive I look forward to the comments.
I get excited by the comments, too. It's nice to know that there are people out there taking the time to read what we have to say. It's great to hear the feedback. Jerrica, thank-you so much for this chance to introduce ourselves to your readers! We were thrilled when you asked us for an interview! To all our readers, new and old, we are so grateful to you for taking time out of your day to pop in to our blog and visit. We hope to grow and keep you interested for a long time to come!
Thanks for checking in and please comment, good or bad because the feedback is very much appreciated.
Ladies, thank you all for participating! I thought it would be tough to keep up with you all in this, but it wasn't. I enjoyed doing this and I enjoyed learning more about you all!! Keep up the fantastic work!
And thanks to everyone for visiting this week's No Stranger Sunday! If you would like to be interviewed, feel free to visit the No Stranger Sunday link and sign up. :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday 9: Just One Look
1. How vain are you about how you look?
Well, I think that I'm decent looking, but I don't think I'm drop dead gorgeous or anything.
2. When you were little what was your favorite TV show?
I always liked The Wonder Years.
3. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why?
That's an excellent question.
4. Who is your favorite Major League Baseball team? How about your favorite player?
I don't keep up with baseball.
5. What is your favorite baseball-related movie?
6. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year?
That money goes by quickly.
7. Tell us about one of your childhood memories.
My oh my, I don't even know where to begin.
8. How do you handle sticky situations? Do you have a method? If so, what is it?
I just go with the flow and hope for the best.
9. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
I know that a few people do, but I'm over it. I've matured and they're still stuck in high school drama.
If you don't mind, please tweet "@dickssportcmo I nominate @jerricapuck for the #startinglineup because ..." (finish the sentence).
If you're also a part of this "competition" I'd be more than happy to tweet for you as well if you tweet for me. :) Just leave your twitter ID with your comment.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Aloha Friday #12

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life – The home of Aloha Friday. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
And the Winner Is..

Timestamp: 2010-03-18 02:15:47 UTC
March 13, 2010 6:20 PM
Congratulations Natalie!!
Partners Have Been Announced!

That's right, the fun can now begin!
I hope that you all enjoy shopping for each other. In the next few days, I will be sure to publish a post in which you can leave a link of the goodies that you receive from your partner to show off to everyone!! :)
I truly hope that you all enjoy!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

And the Winners Are..

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-17 04:19:03 UTC
Tabathia said...
twitter follower (chelleb36)
March 2, 2010 7:31 AM
Heavenly Savings said...
Blogged on My Other blog Giveaways page
March 6, 2010 3:53 PM
tina reynolds said...
March 16, 2010 7:51 PM
Congratulations winners!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Last day to enter!!

Vote for Charlotte!

I'm telling you, your vote CAN make a difference. It just takes one click; then put in your e-mail address. They don't send you a bunch of spammed e-mails or anything (it's just to verify that you're not the parent voting 345,345,775 times).
Hurry! Voting closes at 7am (ET) on March 18th, 2010

CLICK HERE to become a fan of Ritz Munchables Pretzel Crisps on Facebook. Once your a fan you can click on the green box advertising the free sample to fill out your information.
Thanks to Money Saving Mama in Michigan!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Please please vote for me.

I really would like to be on the #startinglineup for Dick's Sporting Goods; however, there are only 10 spots to fill.
@dickssportcmo I nominate @jerricapuck for the #startinglineup because ... (finish the sentence)
No Stranger Sunday: #6

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Do you live in a city or a more rural area?
I am in a pretty Suburban area- Gilbert, AZ. Lived here my whole life and love it!!
Are you married? If so, how long?
I have been married for 5 years, and together for 10 years. Wow- that makes me sound old huh?
Do you have children? If so, how many
I do! Brody just turned 3 in December, and Ayla turned 2 in January! Yes- I had kids 13 months apart- I am a little crazy~!
Any extra family members? (i.e. pets)
I am waiting until the kids beg for pets. Right now- it is hard enough with them! But I will give in once they are old enough to ask me- I’m a sucker!
What food makes your mouth water, just thinking about it?
Sushi, Crème Brule, Onion Rings, and beer! I have a diverse palette!! Haha!
What is your favorite book?
I read about 2-3 books a week. I could never pick a favorite- but I love Great Expectations, and am currently obsessed with anything Diane Chamberlin writes!
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I have always collected Swarovski Figurines- mostly sea animals. Since I have been with hubby- every year he buys me the Swarovski Christmas Ornament and all the accompanying ornaments - our goal is to one day have a Christmas tree decorated entirely in Swarovski Glittering crystals!!!!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spare time??? Whats that? Kidding. I play with my kids- they can make me belly laugh at any point of the day! I read, I blog, I try to learn photography and Photoshop, I zone out to trashy reality TV…..Pathetic I know!
Tell us a bit about your blog:
Is there any certain reason that you named your blog "Aubut Life":
My blog started out as just a personal blog to keep family updated! It was about our family-and has blossomed into something so unexpected and so FUN!! Who knew!!??
When did you start blogging? New Years Day 2009
What is something that you love about your blog?
I love that I can write about anything I want! Some days, I want to talk about the kids, others fitness stuff, then Giveaways, then ranting- etc….it’s fun to be able to express yourself and have fun!!
Did you design your own blog? If not, who did?
The current design- I did with help from premade designs from The Cutest Blog on the Block. I am currently revamping my entire blog and will have a new look soon via Sweet Cheek Designs!
Are there any topics that you LOVE to blog about?
I LOVE great giveaways! I only do giveaways of products that I want to own myself and for my kids. I turn down a lot of PR if it not something I am not 100% interested in. And of course –I love to talk about my kids! ;)
Any topics that you really try not to blog about?
It all really depends on the day! I try to stay away from politics but there have been a couple instances I was not able to shut up!
How many blogs do you currently use?
Aubut Family is my main one. I also do separate ones for the kids and their day to day activities and school projects, but those are only interesting to family anyway!
Do you have any tips for other bloggers?
Just stick to what you really want to talk about! I don’t understand people who maintain blogs that just copy and re-iterate what others have already said.
Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?
I ADORE you!! I am so grateful for the followers I have! I am not the most fascinating writer but I Love that you keep coming back- and I will try to keep you entertained any way I can!!
And thank all of you for visiting this week's No Stranger Sunday! If you would like to be interviewed, feel free to visit the No Stranger Sunday link and sign up. :)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday 9: #13
Saturday 9: Gimme Three Steps
1. Are you the type of person who jumps into new ventures or do you prefer baby steps?
I suppose that I'm a decent mixture. I try to think things through first, but sometimes, I get too excited.
2. Who do you feel believes in you the most?
I'd have to say my parents & Joshua. They've all seen me come close to breaking down and yet they still were there and all seemed to know that I'd make it.
3. When was the last time you were on a stage?
Not too long ago, senior year - Choir. Gosh, I miss singing on stage. :(
4. Tell us about the worst boss you ever had.
He was actually my only (on the books) boss. Jerk. Creep.
5. If the NCAA Men's or Women's Final Four basketball tournament was played in your hometown arena or within easy driving distance from where you live, would you try to attend one the three games?
Probably not. Although I use to play basketball, it just isn't my thing anymore.
6. Of all the clothes you own, what do you feel most comfortable wearing, and why?
My "blah" clothes. A pair of sweat pants and a tank top.
7. On what television show—either past or present—would you like to make a guest appearance, and what role would you play?
Hmm. I suppose that I like Two and a Half Men - maybe I'd play the long lost daughter of Charlie. :) :)
8. St. Patrick's Day is on Wednesday March 17th. Do you celebrate and wear green? Drink Green Beer? Ignore it?
I wear green - don't wanna get pinched.
9. If a leprechaun told you that you could have any amount of money from his pot of gold but it had to be a specified amount for a specified item, how much would you ask for and what would it be for?
$35,821 - enough for a small house big enough for Joshua and I. I'd even give the leprechaun whatever money may be leftover - if I could find him/her.
Don't forget to check out my two giveaways - one is ending soon.
Both have VERY LOW ENTRIES, which means more of a chance for YOU to win!! :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Today is Mega Swagbucks Day!
Simple. Swagbucks is a rewarding search engine site. Quite like google, but instead, you get rewarded with "Swagbucks" when you search. However, it's much more fun than Google.
There's a Swagstore, this is where you're able to spend your Swagbucks and get awesome prizes: cameras, yoga mats, Amazon gift cards, PayPal cards - almost anything you're looking for.
The best part? It's worth it. Thin about it. You're going to search things anyways, right? So because you use Swagbucks, over time, you're able to get free stuff!!
And today is Mega Swagbucks Day, which means that you could earn ANY amount of Swagbucks while searching!! $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, $1,000 → and so on!! :)
Guess what else? If you sign up using my referral link - you get extra entries into all of my giveaways!! So what are you waiting for??
If you're interested in joining:
PLEASE use My Referral Link, please.
Aloha Friday #11

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life – The home of Aloha Friday. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I'm getting a new phone!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

If you're interested in participating, please sign up HERE.
And the winners are..

I apologize for the delay in winner announcements; however, I had some unexpected things that needed to be tended.
So without any further adieu, here are your winners!!
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-10 22:37:12 UTC
Jennifer said...
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/9609634333
February 24, 2010 7:58 PM
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-10 22:42:50 UTC
Anonymous said...
I subscribe via email, entry 1
February 23, 2010 3:38 PM
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-10 22:44:21 UTC
one frugal lady said...
I follow you on blogger! #2
February 24, 2010 8:14 AM
Congratulations winners! I have e-mailed you all, be sure to check your spam folders.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I saw it!!
I really recommend that you all go to see it; we saw the 3D version, it was very neat.
At the theater that I went to, they had themain characters - Alice, The Mad Hatter, The Red Queen, and the Rabbit and I was able to get my picture taken with them!! :) :)
So as soon as I get the picture (probably Tuesday or so) I'll post the picture! :)
Well, as I said - I think you should ALL go see it - it's really wonderful!
By the way, don't forget to enter my giveaways -- most are ending soon.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
No Stranger Sunday: #5

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Do you live in a city or a more rural area?
Are you married? If so, how long?
Do you have children? If so, how many?
Any extra family members? (i.e. pets)
What food makes your mouth water, just thinking about it?
What is your favorite book?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Tell us a bit about your blog:
Is there any certain reason that you named your blog "The Adventures of Paul & Natalie"?
When did you start blogging?
What is something that you love about your blog?
Did you design your own blog? If not, who did?
Are there any topics that you LOVE to blog about?
Any topics that you really try not to blog about?
How many blogs do you currently use?
Do you have any tips for other bloggers?
Is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Saturday 9: #12
Saturday 9: Your Smiling Face
1. No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
When Joshua does his "Her is so pretty; yes her is!!" voice to me! :) I love it.
2. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
Uhm. There's really no telling - not that I'm a big liar, but even still, there's no telling.
3. Do you hold a grudge?
I do. No lies. But I try not to.
4. What is the worst job you've ever had?
I've only had one (on the books) job - and I liked it.. I just didn't like my boss. Creep!
5. What would be your dream job?
A singing career; even still, I'd blog :) :)
6. What is the happiest event you've experienced?
Hmm. I'm not too far in life yet. However, engagement was wonderful; as was graduation.
7. What is the saddest thing you've experienced?
I know this may sound dumb to some of you (and yes I've had deaths in my family) - but the saddest for me was whenever my dog died. We had her from the time I was in 1st grade all the way until my Junior year - my best friend. RIP Kitty (yes, I named my pitbull Kitty & she liked it.)
8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
Not too much, I try to be accurate - but sometimes I get excited. :)
9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
Saturn - my only car. :) :)
Free Box of Popsicles & Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce! (3/31)
HeaterMeals - 3 winners, 2 meals each! (3/16)
BeltsDirect - Winner chooses prize! (3/09)
Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies - Assortment of 20 cookies! (3/08)
Fairytale Brownies - Assortment of 12 Brownies! (3/08)

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Aloha Friday #10

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life – The home of Aloha Friday. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Also, while you're here - check out my awesome giveaways!!
Free Box of Popsicles & Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce! (3/31)
HeaterMeals - 3 winners, 2 meals each! (3/16)
BeltsDirect - Winner chooses prize! (3/09)
Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies - Assortment of 20 cookies! (3/08)
Fairytale Brownies - Assortment of 12 Brownies! (3/08)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Keep reading, and I'll get to the giveaway portion of this post.
What does it mean to be on the “Starting Lineup”?
• A chance to try out and preview new products
• A spot on an online panel of experts for one season (for approximately 3 months)
• Access to exclusive online surveys
• A chance to sound off on all things sports
For your chance to be on the “Starting Lineup”, or to nominate someone else, you will need to do the following.
• Follow Dick's Sporting Goods on Twitter, http://twitter.com/dickssportcmo.
• Recruit people to follow @dickssportcmo on Twitter and have them vote for you by Tweeting @dickssportcmo your Twitter ID and stating why you should be nominated.
• Vote for yourself by Tweeting @dickssportcmo with your Twitter ID and stating why you should be on the “Starting Lineup.”
• You can only vote for the same person once per day, but you can vote for multiple people in the same day. In other words you can only vote for yourself once per day, but you can also vote for your friends and favorite bloggers once a day too.
Here are a couple of examples as to what you could tweet:
“@dickssportcmo I nominate @(TwitterID) for the #startinglineup because...”
@Dickssportcmo I nominate @jerricapuck for the #startinglineup because she gives reviews that I trust.
Easy enough, right?
The person you nominate must have a Twitter ID, so if your spouse, significant other, friend or family member wants to be nominated they would need to have a Twitter account.
The contest to be on the panel ends on March 31, 2010. To learn more about the contest please CLICK HERE.
Now for the giveaway.
1 lucky winner will recieve the following:
a coupon for any FREE Popsicle product. (Not just one Popsicle, but a whole FREE box - ANY FLAVOR!)
a coupon for 1 FREE bottle of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce!
Required: On twitter, vote for me to be part of the #startinglineup. The tweet must be set up like the ones above. (Leave link)
Leave your Twitter Username link and e-mail address in a comment for your entry.
Vote for me daily, for daily entries into my giveaway. (Leave link)
**ALL comments require an e-mail address.
To better your chances of winning, be sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry that you complete.
This giveaway will end Tuesday, March 31st at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time). I will contact the winners within 24 hours via e-mail and will also write a post announcing the winners. The winners will have 48 hours to respond, after that, a new winner will be chosen. Contest open to Continental U.S. citizens only.
I did not receive any form of payment or product for this post. This post is for the knowledge of my readers, and in hopes that my readers will vote for me.